

What We Do

Merchant Services

We negotiate with providers, send the price comparison and switch your provider every term

Providers we work with

Insurance Solutions

We negotiate the best prices with insurance brokers, send you the comparison and switch every year

Providers we work with


In order to keep our switching service free for our customers, we enter into commercial agreements with suppliers. This means we receive a small commission payment from the chosen supplier each time a client switches to their plan through our platform. We receive the same amount regardless of what company is chosen and we will only switch clients to companies that have the best deal for the customer.

We will never switch you to a supplier who does not provide a high standard of customer service. We only deal with suppliers that we trust and approve

Our aim is that customers are on the most fair deals, forever.

This might not always be the very cheapest deal available because we want to make sure that we are working with companies who are committed to providing great customer service for their customers. After signing up, we switch our customers to the best value deal that we can find.

We keep checking the market for the best deals when your first deal comes to an end.

We are an auto-switching site – not a comparison site. We recommend that you visit a price comparison site if you want to do everything yourself and find relevant information about every single deal that’s out there.

To ensure that our service is free for our customers, we will only switch you to those suppliers who are willing to pay us a commission. To the contrary, if a supplier does offer a great commission but not offer great customer service then we won’t switch you over to them, even if they do offer us a commission.

You are always going to be in control with helpwithmybills. Each time that we are preparing a switch we will send you an email to tell you who your better value deal is with and the amount that you will pay with the new supplier based on what information you have given us. 

Your new supplier will also send you an email or a letter with the information about your new plan.

You can cancel the service with helpwithmybills whenever you like. If for some instance you do not like the new supplier that we have switched you to then you will receive a 14 day period during which you can cancel the move.